Debit Card Information

Please contact us immediately to report lost, found or stolen card. To report a lost or stolen card after business hours or holidays call 888-297-3416.


If Fraud Center tries to contact you the call originates from 1-800-237-8990.  Add the number to your phone so you know the call is coming from Fraud Center. 


Fraud Center SMS (text) messages will come from code 96923.  If you receive a text or email regarding possible fraud, and you confirm the transaction is fraud, follow-up with a call to Fraud Center (855-293-2456) to verify fraud.


International Fraud number -                                                                                             Unblock or close a card due to fraud -   206-389-5201 (collect call)                                 Report a lost or stolen card -                   206-389-5200  (collect call)


SIGN UP NOW for Guardian - Mobile Text Alerts.  IT'S FREE*!!!  Citizens Bank of the Midwest now offers real time fraud alerts for your Citizens Bank debit cards.  With Citizens Bank Guardian, fraudulent activity can be recognized and stopped right away, which significantly reduces the likelihood that subsequent unauthorized transactions will occur.  The service is free* and enrollment is easy.  SIGN UP NOW


*Message and Data Rates May Apply.